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Detecting COVID-19 with Thermal Imaging

Brett Mulé

As the threat from COVID-19 continues to spread and grow globally, the impacts of this invisible invader can be felt by us all. Although Connect 2 Solutions has primarily been focused on securing businesses through the use of software, this unique time has allowed us to expand our focus to beyond just cybersecurity software.

Recently we have been procuring a Body Thermal Imaging System that provides the ability to instantly take the temperature of all persons in a certain range. Depending on which system you are using, a single person walk-up style system or a throughway passage system designed to pick up large groups, these systems maintain an accuracy of 98%, as long as you’re inside of the specifications. These can be helpful in triggering door locks or silent alarms to notify proper parties of sick individuals and decline access to rooms if temperature is exceeding certain limits. 

This system can assist in demanding a mask be on face before it will allow access into certain areas. Most importantly, its data collecting all the time.  The “Back in Time” feature, allows you to do a family health history and find exactly who is sick, who they affected and then enables you to execute a plan to self-quarantine for all major companies.  We can provide extremely valuable data about the health of your employees during, before and after these times.  This system helps for the “now” and learns about the “what will be” in the future.  

Additionally, this system uses a Facial Recognition (FR) system with profile building

intelligence. FR is designed to record photo image stills of data at a rapid pace spanned over an entire system of FR cameras all collecting data. Once it locks 75%, it will be able to recognize you on different days with beard, hat, glasses, etc. You can use for employees to check-in, no swiping, no touching. Depending on your needs, is how the system will be used.  You can allow employees to come and go for lunch and breaks as the system will track them with no swiping or punching.

Check out the video below for additional information and feel free to reach out to us with any questions or requests for additional information.

Stay safe and stay healthy!

-- The Connect 2 Solutions Family



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